Bike Business

One of the Liger Leadership Academy Explorations is starting their own bike tour business. The major theme of their tour is to share every day Cambodian life and changes that are occurring with tourist visiting the Phnom Penh area. Funds from the tour will be used to run the business and pay Liger change agent tour guides funds that can be used for future studies or for starting a business. The 13 students, involved in this Exploration, are passionated about this business, especially going out to develop an interesting route and tour.


This group went to Battambang to collaborate with Soksabike, a social enterprise bike tour business. The objectives of Soksabike is to give tourists the opportunity to see the real Cambodia, put tourist dollars back into the local community, contribute to helping the local community through job creation, demonstrate responsible tourism practices, and contribute to Battambang’s economic growth.


This Exploration attended a 3-day workshop hosted by Soksabike.  This included experiencing two of the popular tours selected by tourist:  Local Livelihood Tour and the Walk and Bike Tour.  Soksabike shared their expertise in designing and managing a bike tour business and shared strategies for responsible tourism, social entrepreneurship, marketing, booking, business operation, and bike maintenance.

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