Coaching Football

One of my passion is football and I really love to make people improve same time as me. Football is just part time class that teach to be healthy and to make everyone have fun around. After the junior generation join our school my job is to coach them become a good player and look after them have a good sport behavior. I’ve been coach them for a years and we have lot of match against other under 13 years old team.


When I start high school my have one opportunity to work with one organization called HCFA as an intern. The organization fully named Happy Cambodia Football Cambodia which focus on the disadvantage kid who can’t play football ,provide them to join the Homeless World Cup and last to push to be the professional football player in Cambodia. Part of HFCA I am working on social network.

Business Math

I’ve just start in a high school this year. My school provide me an important math lesson which called the Business Math which basically similar to normal math but this is more likely to the real world.

Summer break teaching.

This holiday I had been teaching one NGO called NERC about English pronunciation and help them translate the story. I am really excited to tech all of them because they are on grade 10 and 11 which is on high level of Khmer class.


Khmer Young Kid Story

I’ve been working on a creative writing book for the young kid. My teammate Kagna and I was writing about the bee story that can help young kid to understand about all of those bees information. We create English version and also Khmer version for Cambodian students.

This is the Khmer example down bellow,

កាលពីព្រឹកមួយមានសត្វឃ្មុំញីពីរក្បាល ដែលតែងតែរកទឹកដមរបស់ផ្កាសម្រាប់ កូនរបស់វាជារៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃ ។ សត្វឃ្មុំមួយក្បាលឈ្មេាះលីលីនឹងសត្វឃ្មុំមួយទៀតឈ្មេាះលូលូ ។  ចំណីដែលពួកគេចូលចិត្តជាងគេគឺទឹកដមមកពីផ្កា មូលហេតុនេះហេីយបានជាពួកគេទៅកាន់ព្រៃ ។
ឃ្មុំត្រូវការផ្កាសម្រាប់ចំណី ផ្កាត្រូវការឃ្មុំដើម្បីលំអងក្នុងការបង្កើតឱ្យមានផ្កាមួយទៀត ។ ផ្កាមិនអាចដើរឬផ្លាស់ទី ដូច្នេះផ្កាមិនអាចដើរឬផ្លាស់ទីដោយខ្លួនឯងផ្ទាល់ទេ ។ លូលូនីងលីលីចូលចឹត្តផ្កាពណ៍លឿង ផ្កាបានវិវត្តន៍ដើម្បីឱ្យមានផ្កាពណ៍លឿង ហេីយអាចទាក់ទាញសត្វឃ្មុំបាន។ ប្រាកដណាស់ពួកគេបានចុះនៅលើផ្កាពណ៍លឿងនេាះ ។
បន្ទាប់ពីពួកគេចុះនៅលើផ្កា លំអងបានហេាះហេីជុំវិញបៀបដូចទៅនឹងធូលីរបស់ផ្កា ប្រើដើម្បីបង្កើតផ្កាថ្មីផ្សេងទៀត ។ លីលីនីងលូលូត្រូវបានគ្របដណ្តប់ដោយលំអង បេីមេីលទៅដូចជាសត្វចម្លែកអពាឹ្ចង ប៉ុន្តែនេះជាតម្រូវការមួយសម្រាបកាបន្តពូជរបស់ផ្កា ។​ ពួកគេទាំងពីរបានចាប់ផ្តើមប្រើអណ្តាតរបស់ពួកដើម្បីគេក្រេបយកទឹកដមរបស់ផ្កា ។
លីលី​នឹងលូលូ ​បានហេីទៅរកផ្កាមួយទៀតដើម្បីទៅយកទឹកដម ។ បន្ទាប់មកលំអងផ្កា​ ​នៅផ្កាទីមួយបានធ្លាក់ចូលក្នុងបន្តូលរបស់ផ្កាទីពីរ​​ ។​ សំណាង​ដែរ,​ ផ្កានេះគឺជាប្រភេទផ្កាដែល​ ដូចជាផ្កាទីមួយដែរ ។​
លំអងបានធ្វើដំណើរតាមរយៈដើមដែលមានរាងដូចជាបំពង់វែងដែលស្ថិតចេញពីពាក់កណ្តាលនៃផ្កា។ រួចលំអងបានទៅចូលក្នុងដើម ដែលនឹងក្លាយទៅជាពូជនៃផ្កា ។​
សត្វឃ្មុំមកសំបុកនៅពេលវេលាផ្សេងគ្នា។ ពួកគេមិនបានមកដល់នៅពេលជាមួយគ្នាទេ ដោយសារតែពួកគេបានទៅរកចំណីអាហារនៅកន្លែងផ្សេងគ្នា ដូចជាកសិដ្ឋាននិងនៅ​ក្នុងព្រៃ ជាដើម។
ពេលពួកគេបានទឹកដមគ្រប់គ្រាន់​ហើយ​ ពួកគេយកទឹកដមទៅសំបុកដេីម្បីចិញ្ចឹមកូន ។​ ពួកគេក៍ត្រូវសីុបន្តូលនឹងទឹកដមខ្លួន​​​ឯងដែរ ។
ឃ្មុំនិងផ្កាពឹតជាអាស្រ៍យគ្នាបានល្អ ព្រោះប្រសិនបើមិនមានឃ្មុំ, ផ្កានឹងមិនអាចបង្កើតផ្កាថ្មី, ហើយប្រសិនបើឃ្មុំគ្មានផ្កាទេ, ពួកវានឹងត្រូវស្លាប់។ ទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់ពួកវាត្រូវបានហៅថាអត្ថប្រយេាជន៏យ៉ាងវិជ្ជមាន(++) ដោយសារតែវាគឺជាការល្អសម្រាប់ឃ្មុំនិងល្អសម្រាប់ផ្កា ។

Khmer Rouge

Khmer Rouge exploration is 1 out of 25 of exploration in this years that really important to learn. Mostly this topic is about Khmer Rouge regime and how people in that time live also to gather people perspective.


This Khmer Rouge exploration is really interesting to learn it also bring some of the worst picture that we ever seen before but we still happy to learn and share to people what we got. Our exploration have a lot of small trip to go to listen and visit some of the history place and people who have been in Khmer Rouge Regime to gather information for our final product. We also have one big trip to go to Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey to visit war museum and also to interview people that have been alive in that time. At Odor Meanchey especially at the border there are a lot of old people that left from Khmer Rouge regime so this a good resource to interview them as our knowledge. After we back from the big trip we now started to make final product for the sharing day to share to everyone what we have done for this past 7 week of study about Khmer Rouge.


This Exploration show me a lot of history that happened in Khmer Rouge. People know this a lot but still some people don’t know how it feel like to be a person in that time because there were a lot of secret information so we need to ask a lot of people to get clear information.

Missing grandma

What I think it not always true for me as a 14 year old kid. Life we can’t guess when we gonna die. On 13/04/2016 my grandma she path away and I can’t see and stay with her anymore. My promises with my grandma learn hard, be a good student, build a new big home, and go study at other country university that what I want to show her when I start to live with out her support. For my learning life when I started grade 1 to grade 5 she always be my first supporter to make me become today. I also get the scholarship to learn at Liger Learing Center she still support and she always smile when I have trip to some where. I last with a big trip to Singapore that time she was every happy to me that I went there because that my first that I went to other country. She is the best I never see who always support me like this I love to stay with her and I never forget what I promises to you.

“Last I want to say I love you my grandma I will be stronger I will be smarter and I will remember what you said to me”

Last selfie I took with my grandma.
Last selfie I took with my grandma.

The left side is my lovely grandma and right side is my wonderful mom.
The left side is my lovely grandma and right side is my wonderful mom.

FLL Singapore

When two robotic teams go to Singapore to do the competition we very happy to ride the airplane for some of us and some they already ride on it but they still enjoy. The day that we arrived there we very happy to see how beautiful Singapore is. First day we practice our robot second day we do the presentation and last day we do the robot competition. Finally our school team won the Innovative solution so we got one award for our school I also the only person represent Liger to get the certificate of the participation.

On the plane
On the plane
We never forget here Singapore love you so much!!!!
We never forget here Singapore love you so much!!!!
When I go to get the certificate.
When I go to get the certificate.
